Netflix is making a bizarre comedy show called 'Maniac' with Emma Stone and...
Netflix has picked up"Maniac," a comedy starring Emma Stone and Jonah Hill, for a 10-episode straight-to-series order.The 30-minute comedy is based off of a Norwegian series and will feature Hill as an...
View ArticleThis 'Game of Thrones' star wants her character to die
No one is ever safe on "Game of Thrones," but that's the fun part, according to actress Sophie Turner.Turner, known for playing Sansa Stark on HBO's series, stopped by the Wall Street Journal Cafe in...
View ArticleDisney and other companies are threatening a boycott over Georgia's anti-gay...
If it goes into effect, a controversial bill may spell trouble for Georgia as entertainment companies voice their opposition.Disney, including its movie subsidiary Marvel and ABC Studios, and The...
View ArticleThe 'Silicon Valley' stars were asked what real startups do, and their...
In a stroke of brilliance when it comes to improv prompts, Wired magazine asked the cast of HBO's "Silicon Valley" to guess what real startups do. Five of the recurring cast members — Thomas...
View ArticleNew behind-the-scenes footage from 'Game of Thrones' shows how White Walkers...
Warning: There are spoilers ahead for "Game of Thrones." HBO's television adaptation of author George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series operates on a grandiose scale when it comes to props,...
View ArticleSeth Meyers breaks down the terrible apologies from the presidential candidates
Seth Meyers singled out 2016 presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and John Kasich for issuing bad public apologies.The politicians were just part of Meyers' breakdown of recent ap0logies in the...
View ArticleHere's how 'Daredevil' star Charlie Cox got ripped to be a superhero
Charlie Cox had to seriously step up his game to play the title role in Marvel's first Netflix series, "Daredevil.""The truth is, before I did this show, I'd never really been in shape, I never really...
View ArticleJimmy Kimmel mocks Hillary Clinton's critics by 'mansplaining' public...
Hillary Clinton took a stab at pleasing those who have critiqued her speaking style — and made a point of her own — with some help from Jimmy Kimmel on Thursday night.During the segment, Kimmel offered...
View ArticleThis chart should terrify the cable TV industry
Cable TV is still how most of us get our video, but that is starting to change, and the younger generations are leading the way.According to a Nielsen poll of more than 30,000 people worldwide, charted...
View ArticleConan O'Brien remembers how Garry Shandling helped him through one of his...
Conan O'Brien honored Garry Shandling, who died on Thursday, by remembering how the comedy icon helped him through the depression of his controversial "Tonight Show" exit."In the next few days, maybe...
View ArticleA trailer for 'The Walking Dead' finale shows off the next big villain
"The Walking Dead" finale doesn't air until Sunday, April 3, but an international trailer for the episode has appeared online and it shows off our first images of the show's next big villain,...
View ArticleA new 'Game of Thrones' trailer allegedly aired on TV — and there's a lot of...
Warning: Major spoilers ahead for "Game of Thrones," including speculation and set leaks.A full length trailer for "Game of Thrones" season six was released on March 8, and there was a ton of new...
View ArticleHere's the full footage of the new 'Games of Thrones' trailer
On March 24, "Game of Thrones" fan Manu Mishra began live-tweeting photos of a new trailer he spotted while watching TV. With the help of his screenshots and memory, we were able to explain most of the...
View Article'Daredevil' star Charlie Cox breaks down the season-2 fight scene everyone's...
"Daredevil" made a splash during its first season with an intense, crowdpleasing fight scene. And season two is no different.Highly regarded for its precise choreography, uniquely realistic...
View ArticleHere are your favorite TV shows that are getting renewed for another season
The current television season is just a couple months from ending, so networks are making the tough decisions as to what will stay and what has to go.With today's shrinking live viewership, it takes...
View Article'Game of Thrones' fans think an actress' Instagram post is hinting at the new...
"Game of Thrones" fans are itching for the new season to start, and right now any hint about the upcoming plot is welcome. In yet another case of cast members' sharing conspicuous Instagram photos,...
View ArticleThe best shows to binge-watch right now according to TV stars
Stars are, in fact, a lot like us — which includes sitting on their couches and endlessly consuming new TV shows they heard were great.Celebrities haven't escaped this new national pastime. And who...
View ArticleThis 'The Walking Dead' actor is ready to be the most hated man on the show
Warning: There are major spoilers ahead if you are not caught up with "The Walking Dead."The end of Sunday's "The Walking Dead"caught fans off guard.In the episode's final moments, Dwight (Austin...
View ArticleFans are freaking out about the end of Sunday's 'The Walking Dead'
Warning: There are massive spoilers ahead if you have not seen Sunday's episode of "The Walking Dead."Wow. What an ending to Sunday's episode of "The Walking Dead."Fans were caught off guard during the...
View ArticleIf you're freaking out about Sunday's 'The Walking Dead,' you'll want to take...
Warning: There are huge spoilers ahead if you have not watched "The Walking Dead."If you're currently sobbing over the end of Sunday night's shocking end to "The Walking Dead," stop. You're going to...
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