Kiefer Sutherland reprises his role as Jack Bauer on Fox next week in the "24: Live Another Day" miniseries.
This time around, Jack will only have 12 episodes (instead of the standard 24) to prevent an attack from taking place in London.
But before we start the clock, let's catch up with what led Jack and the rest of "24" to live another day.
Warning: There are spoilers ahead.
The original concept of "24" was that each episode represented an hour of a day in real time. This would include multiple storylines taking place at once, along with a ticking clock.

The day revolved around Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland).

He's the best agent of CTU (Counter Terrorist Unit) — a government organization in charge of protecting the country from terrorist attacks.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider