"Saturday Night Live" host Jimmy Fallon and musical guest Justin Timberlake teamed up once again for "The Barry Gibb" show, interviewing Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly [Cecily Strong], Paul Ryan [Taran Killam] and Madonna, who was played by ACTUAL MADONNA.
After Madonna fumbled through her lines about "politicians putting their personal ideology above doing the right thing," fake Paul Ryan made bad puns.
"I think Republicans realized we need to make this divided government work," said the politician. "That's why we made sure we weren't Robyn from the tax payers to Gibb to special interests."
There's even a cameo from the real Barry Gibb at the end. Watch below:
Madonna Instagrammed from behind-the-scenes:
SEE ALSO: Paul McCartney Makes Surprise 'SNL' Appearance To Duet With Jimmy Fallon During Monologue