Warning: If you are not caught up, major spoilers follow.
It's safe to say the final 20-25 minutes of the latest episode of "Breaking Bad" were not only some of the most intense moments of the series, but also some of the most intense minutes of television.
Immediately following the episode, it was all any fan was talking about online.
Since the series' return last month, every episode has been intense, however, tonight the entire episode had us on edge. The deeper the episode progressed, the farther our stomachs recoiled into our chests.
Don't read any further if you haven't watched the latest episode.
Jesse turns the tables on Walt (Bryan Cranston) when he lures him out to the desert and gets him to unknowingly confess his crimes on tape for his DEA brother-in-law Hank (Dean Norris).
While it appears Jesse and Hank have the upper hand, fans know you should never expect a happy ending on "Breaking Bad."
Thinking only Jesse is after him, Walt calls Todd (Jesse Plemons) and his uncles to come out and off his former partner. Once Walt finds out Hank and his partner are also there, he tries to call the crew off, but it's too late.
Todd and his uncles show up at the end of the episode and it's an all-out gun fight between the DEA officers and the family.
Now, Jesse's hiding out in a Chrysler 300 and Hank and his partner Gomey are firing from behind a vehicle. Who's going to live? Who's going to die? We won't know until next week because the episode cut off in the middle of the gun fire! Seriously!
Though we knew Todd's uncles would be trouble, everyone was floored by the radical turn of events.
GOD DAMN YOU, VINCE GILLIGAN, YOU CLIFF-HANGING MASTERMIND. These last @BreakingBad_AMC episodes are roller-coasters of emotion.
— Maddie Cary (@MaddieCary) September 9, 2013
Breaking Bad nominated for cliffhanger of the century
— Josh Folland (@prodiGsc) September 9, 2013
HOW CAN YOU FINISH AN EPISODE LIKE THAT!!!!!!! #BreakingBad#cliffhanger
— Oli B (@Obba_4) September 9, 2013
When will Breaking Bad-Based Anxiety get its own number in the DSM-IV?
— Maris Kreizman (@mariskreizman) September 9, 2013
May need to borrow anxiety medication for the last 3 episodes of #BreakingBad . Holy Guns.
— Korrie Bowers (@korrieishere) September 9, 2013
Finally catching up on all the seasons of Breaking Bad. I have never felt so much anxiety as I do watching these! #cliffhangers#exciting
— Lauren Joiner (@Rudy1419) September 9, 2013
Breaking Bad is literally giving me anxiety. WHAT THE HECK is happening?????????
— Cristine Prosperi (@CrisProsperi) September 9, 2013
Breaking Bad has reached a new level of intensity. I thought I was going to die of a heart attack. Please tell me you guys saw this!!!
— HarryDaHero (@HarryDaHero) September 9, 2013
*finishes breaking bad* *removes glasses* "MOTHER OF GOD" *assume fetal position* *await next episode*
— Josh Holbert (@Jholb52) September 9, 2013
My Reaction After Tonights Episode Of #BreakingBadpic.twitter.com/XF8GDR5Mxm
— N9neFans™ (@N9neFans) September 9, 2013
I don't think I've ever been so stressed out over a tv show. That episode had me pulling my hair. #BreakingBad
— Circadian Eyes (@CircadianEyes) September 9, 2013
That is not where you end an episode guys! How am I supposed to sleep now? #BreakingBad
— DK (@daaniyal) September 9, 2013
Even our own Joe Weisenthal couldn't stand it.
That was what Breaking Bad does best. Endless minutes where you can’t breathe.
— Joseph Weisenthal (@TheStalwart) September 9, 2013
The episode also had celebrities on edge.
WHAAAATTT??!? Bljrvagababsaksuwszwhavwhr$3)3$ #BreakingBadReview
— Aziz Ansari (@azizansari) September 9, 2013
Oh Sweet Fancy Moses - Breaking Bad!!!!!!! Wow.
— jason alexander (@IJasonAlexander) September 9, 2013
You're killing me, @BreakingBad_AMC. Killing me. I can't take this. Jesus Christ.
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) September 9, 2013
Oh, #BreakingBad, you marvelous rascal you
— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) September 9, 2013
Been SO afraid of #BrBa spoilers I avoided the main twitter timeline while catching up. What'd I miss, my lovelies? #ShareSomeTweetGoodness
— yvette nicole brown (@yvettenbrown) September 9, 2013
Diehard fans will remember Aaron Paul first teased this episode on Twitter back in January. He reacted the same way.
Just read Episode 513 while laying in bed and now I'm scared to walk around my house. #BreakingBadpic.twitter.com/KkbPlcPa
— Aaron Paul (@aaronpaul_8) January 26, 2013
Paul promises the episodes will continue to only get more intense.
Heart will speed up. Breathing will slow down. You will want to look away but won't be strong enough. The worst is yet to come. #BreakingBad
— Aaron Paul (@aaronpaul_8) September 9, 2013
Need more "Breaking Bad"? Watch next week's preview