Thirteen years ago, Richard Hatch — the conniving contestant who annoyed his tribesmen by walking around in the (not so buff) buff — took home the $1 million prize.
He was the first winner of “Survivor,” CBS’s low-budget reality-show-that-could.
Hatch, quite notably, evaded paying taxes on his earnings and served 51 months in prison for it. To this day, he insists that he was innocent.
Some “Survivor” winners end up losers, while others go on to host reality shows, start their own companies, and contribute to charities.
CBS announced the newest crop of contestants on Wednesday, revealing that season 27 will pin returning favorites against their loved ones — including previous winners Tina Wesson (and daughter) and Aras Baskauskas (and brother).
“Survivor: Blood vs. Water” debuts on CBS on September 28.
THEN: Richard Hatch, "Survivor: Borneo" [Season 1]

The Machiavellian, and often naked, first winner of "Survivor" is considered the pioneer of the show's alliance tactic.
NOW: Richard Hatch went behind bars for tax evasion.

After being convicted of tax evasion, Hatch served three years in prison and was fired from Donald Trump on "The Apprentice."
He met up with the two children he fathered as a sperm donor on an episode of "Oprah: Where Are They Now?"
During the interview, he insisted that he never deserved to go to prison.
THEN: Ethan Zohn, “Survivor: Africa” [Season 3]

The professional soccer player won seven challenges, making him a physical threat, but his big heart kept him from being targeted by other competitors early in the game.
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