Through 16 seasons, the original cast of ABC's daytime talk show "The View"— Meredith Viera, Star Jones, Debbie Matenopoulos, Joy Behar, and Barbara Walters — has undergone many changes.
Jenny McCarthy will join the show this fall to replace recently departed Elisabeth Hasselbeck while long-time co-host Behar departed earlier this month after sitting at the table since the show's first season in 1997.
Though no official woman has been selected to replace Behar, the rumored frontrunners for the chair include Gloria Estefan, Brooke Shields, and Kathy Griffin.
Column Five put together an infographic detailing the extensive history of the show marking new entries and exits from Lisa Ling to Elisabeth Hasselbeck and big controversies from Star Jones' heated exit to Behar and Goldberg walking off set due to Bill O'Reilly discussing the proposed mosque near Ground Zero.
Check it out below: