CBS Philadelphia local TV news anchor Nicole Brewer and meteorologist Carol Erickson are airing their dirty laundry all over the airwaves.
The two have been having heated on-air exchanges for months now, and finally someone has edited them together in a YouTube video that has gone viral with over 2.2 million hits since being posted over the weekend.
“That was an interesting exchange I’m sure she regrets, along with that last glass of whatever," says the weatherwoman after one such conversation.
There's some pretty good digs in here. Watch below:
But the anchor and meteorologist insist their banter is just for laughs. Both have tried to clear the air via their Twitter accounts:
If you know @carolcbs3 and me, you know there's only love between us. So, we're going to keep having fun. #HalosForever
— Nicole Brewer (@Nicole_Brewer) June 5, 2013
@nicooliounrulio @nicole_brewer Thank you! As I've said before, nothing is more boring than boring! Hope my pal Nic and I keep having fun!
— Carol Erickson (@CarolCBS3) June 5, 2013
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