"Late Night" host Seth Meyers dedicated Monday's edition of his popular segment "A Closer Look" to the fallout from President Donald Trump's immigration ban.
"It was not only cruel and unnecessary," Meyers said of the ban, "it was very poorly thought out."
The executive order — which is being challenged as unconstitutional and called racist and a "Muslim ban" by critics – temporarily blocks travelers from entering the US from seven predominately Muslim countries and bans all refugees from entering for the next 120 days.
While Meyers doesn't approve of the extreme travel measure, he does appreciate the resulting organized protests. Tens of thousands of protesters over the weekend spoke out about Trump's immigration ban at airports and major US landmarks all over the country.
"People are willing to go to s--- places to protest," the host said. "Last week, it was parks. This week, it was airports. Next week, people are going to march for gay rights at the DMV. The tone of the protests made clear that these are not fleeting, spontaneous gatherings but organized resistance that won't go away any time soon."
Of course, a main driver of the protests is the belief that the ban is a thinly veiled act of discrimination against Muslims. Meyers pointed out one protester's sign that read: "First they came for the Muslims – and we said not today motherf---er!"
"A sign I should note was clearly purchased at Samuel L. Jackson's Sign Emporium," Meyers joked.
The scenes at US airports got ugly as thousands of travelers were affected and hundreds were detained upon entering the country, a result of Trump's late Friday timing on the executive order and the lack of communication with the intelligence and travel agencies that would have to carry it out. One New York judge issued an injunction on the ban, stating, "The government hasn’t had a full chance to think about this.”
"Trump is the first president that legally has to count to 100 before taking action," Meyers joked.
The host concluded the fiery segment by referring to Trump's administration as "incompetent authoritarians with nothing but contempt for many of the basic constitutional principles this country has cherished since its founding."
Watch the latest "A Closer Look" segment below:
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