A leaked video of Nine News journalist Amber Sherlock criticising a colleague off-air for supposedly wearing the same colour top has gone viral.
Sherlock, the host of the national afternoon bulletin Nine News Now, is seen on the footage giving sports reporter Julie Snook a dressing down for not wearing a jacket in order to avoid them both appearing on screen wearing the same colour top.
"I need Julie to put a jacket on because we’re all in white. I asked her before we came on. Julie, you need to put a jacket on," Sherlock said in the video while preparing for a chat segment with Snook and psychologist Sandy Rea.
When Snook, who was in a different studio, replied that she hadn’t had time to find a jacket, Sherlock said "I told you two hours ago!", then got her mobile phone out to contact the wardrobe department to urgently find a suitable covering for her colleague.
Here’s the clip:
Guest Rea looked uncomfortable as the exchange went on, and tried to calm the situation down by offering to get a jacket herself. But Sherlock continued to get agitated at her colleague.
"Amber, if it’s an issue I can get out of here," said Snook.
"It IS an issue. Go and grab a jacket," Sherlock said.
An exasperated Snook then pointed out that she was actually wearing blue, but that didn’t seem to satisfy Sherlock.
The hashtag #putyourblazersonforjulie has been trending today on Twitter — a development that saw Sherlock briefly lock her Twitter and Instagram accounts this morning, according to news.com.au.
While the majority of opinions seem to support Snook, there were still many voices backing Sherlock’s right to instruct staff on her own show. Plus there were plenty of neutral posts parodying the situation:
Amber Sherlock currently yelling at her refrigerator that it needs to put a jacket on. Dishwasher is fine, she told her already.
— Adam Richard (@adamrichard) January 12, 2017
Amber Sherlock was hospitalised after seeing this. #PutYourBlazersOnForJuliepic.twitter.com/3YCxxCreDN
— Sean Woodland (@sean_woodland) January 12, 2017
The Daily Telegraph has reported that the Nine Network has found the staffer that leaked the video and is now considering what punishment to hand down. The Nine Network has denied to Business Insider that this was the case.
Nine declined to comment further on the incident other than to refer to its own article on the Nine Honey website, where both Sherlock and Snook laughed off the incident.
"Live TV can be a pretty stressful beast, at times," said Sherlock, who also presents the weather on the main evening bulletin for Nine News Sydney.
"As anyone knows, it’s never much fun rocking up to work or to a party in the same outfit as one of your colleagues or friends. I probably overreacted with the pressure of presenting a live news bulletin."
Snook said that she and Sherlock are "good friends" and that such incidents can happen in "a fast-moving environment".
"What can I say? Amber and I just really love white!"