Warning: spoilers below for the first and upcoming second season of NBC's "Blindspot."
There are a few changes on NBC's "Blindspot" when it returns for its second season on Wednesday at 8 p.m. But the show's creator insists that they're meant to capitalize on what worked during its first season.
"It’s a brutal thing, making the first season of a TV show,""Blindspot" creator Martin Gero told Business Insider recently. "You learn a lot of lessons — the hard way, the easy way. So definitely as we went into season two, one of the first things you do is you really want to sit and do a postmortem of ‘What did we do great?’ and ‘What did we struggle with?’"
With that said, Gero said the show will continue to play around with tone and character. New characters will change up relationships and bring other agencies into play. But Gero wants to make sure that fans know the show isn't abandoning the story it's built up.
"We’re not reinventing what the show is," he said. "All these things I’m talking about are to augment. It’s an augmentation, not a transformation for us."
Coming out of the first season, the Mayfair and Taylor Shaw chapters closed after their confirmed deaths. Jane (Jaimie Alexander) kills her ex-boyfriend Oscar (François Arnaud) during a fight, but not before he tells her that a person named Shepherd has been pulling the strings all this time. Shepherd's first phase ended with getting rid of Mayfair and getting Weller (Sullivan Stapleton) promoted to FBI assistant director. And the second phase was just starting. In the end, Weller arrested Jane.
Here are 10 more things to expect on season two:
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The action scenes and stunts will be bigger.
"You learn as producers of a show what you’re capable of and what you’re not capable of and we really learned how to do action in a much more efficient way than we did at the beginning of the year," Gero said. "So I think you’ll see in season two, we have this phenomenal motorbike chase that we never would have been able to figure out how to do if it hadn’t been for season one. So it’s like you’ll see a real uptick in the production value of the show. This year is outrageous and amazing."
The show's new earlier time slot means it will be lighter, less violent.
As a side effect of its move to the 8 p.m. time slot for its second season, the show will be letting go of some of its darker tones.
"We’re not going to shoot anyone in the head anymore. So right off the bat, no more head shots on 'Blindspot,'" Gero joked during the Television Critics Association press tour this summer.
He then continued, "Obviously, we’re toning back some of the violence. I don’t think the show will be unrecognizable for people that love the show at 10 p.m. And the reality is, people watch it at all hours of the day now... But one of the things we have found toward the end of the first season, something we’re really leaning into, is the sense of fun and a little bit more lightness so the show isn’t all doom and gloom. There are those moments of humor and those lighter character moments that I think we did really well with last season."
You won't have to wait long to meet Shepherd.
Who is the show's new Big Bad, the person who has been the architect of everything that has transpired so far? Fans will get that answer very quickly on the second season.
"You’ll meet Shepherd almost right away," Gero promised.
See the rest of the story at Business Insider