Charlie Brooker, the creator of British sci-fi series "Black Mirror," believes Donald Trump will become president and usher in a "terrifying" future similar to his dystopian show, according to a recent interview with The Daily Beast.
"I find it f---ing terrifying because I think Trump’s going to win,” Brooker told the outlet at the Toronto International Film Festival. "I'm working on whether I need to build a bunker or not."
Brooker's "Black Mirror," now a Netflix original, has been extremely influential, particularly in its commentary on politics, technology, and the future.
Brooker said he sees the results of this summer's controversial Brexit vote in the UK as a harbinger of a Trump presidency.
"Hello, we just went through Brexit! Of course Trump’s going to win," Brooker said. "I’m having to imagine he’s already won and that he can’t quite achieve all of the f---king horrible things that he wants to do."
After releasing the first two seasons of his show on the British network Channel 4, Brooker's third season of "Black Mirror" is set to premiere on Netflix on October 21.
Watch a teaser for season three of "Black Mirror" below:
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