Warning: This post contains major spoilers.
Well, it's just a big party in Bon Temps.
The shifter-killing gang is still on the loose getting its kicks, Tara is reacquainting herself with old high school friends–torturing them–, Lafayette throws a shindig for Terry and Patrick, and the werewolves hold a farewell gathering (exit) for Alcide.
Meanwhile, the Vampire Authority, now headed by Russell Edgington, is still "high as a kite" off their V trip and begins plotting its next move against mankind.
And, it looks like someone new may be coming after Sookie.
The Lilith cult is still out of control.

Eric is not pleased and has no idea how to escape with Bill and Nora.

... especially since Bill is turning to the dark side.

Eric used to be the bad guy we loved to hate on "True Blood"; however, in spite of all this ridiculous Lilith talk, he's the only one keeping his cool and staying sane.
The original plan to "stay alive" included going along with the Authority's beliefs to escape; however, the longer the two stay, it appears Bill may consider there's more to the afterlife than being the white knight.
Bill appears to be transitioning into a colder, darker version of his former self. We can't say this is surprising since his world turned upside down: everyone's suddenly okay with Edgington's return, Steve Newlin is a vampire, and, to top things off, he sees the love of his life supposedly moving on with a werewolf.
As he tells Eric, he's evolving.
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