It didn't take a lot of convincing to get the leader of the free world to appear on Jerry Seinfeld's Crackle web series, "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee."
Seinfeld said that President Barack Obama was game even before the show reached out to him.
"My producer called someone on the White House staff, and they said they'd been wanting to get in touch with us because they were interested in him doing the show," Seinfeld said in a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter. "I really didn't believe it was going to happen."
The comedian even found that Obama was game for one of his top ideas for the episode. Seinfeld recalled:
My favorite moment was when I said to him, "When I call you, you answer the phone, 'White House,' I'll say, 'I'd like to speak with the president, please,' and then you say, 'Speaking.'" He thought that was a great joke, so we started with that.
But Seinfeld doesn't think casting Donald Trump would work quite as well if he becomes president.
"I think it's funny that [Trump] likes to end sentences with, 'Believe me,' which is really asking a lot when you say something crazy," the comedian said. "But I only would have a guest on if they can make me feel funny, too, and I'm not sure if he makes me feel funny or just... weird."
SEE ALSO: 'SNL' staged a 'Seinfeld' reunion to parody the feisty Brooklyn Democratic debate
DON'T MISS: Julia Louis-Dreyfus' giggle attacks were infectious while shooting the 'Seinfeld' Festivus-dinner episode
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NOW WATCH: Jerry Seinfeld got real with President Obama about being famous