It's August, but sweet Christmas! The first full trailer for Netflix's latest Marvel series, "Luke Cage," came out this morning, and it looks pretty awesome.
The show won't drop until September 30, but that just gives you plenty of time to get to know one of Marvel's coolest heroes. Or rather, get to know him a little better, because Cage made his debut in the acclaimed "Jessica Jones" Netflix series last year.
Here's a breakdown of the trailer that'll teach you everything you need to know about the Hero for Hire, as well as some behind-the-scenes comic knowledge.
Luke Cage, who occasionally goes by the alias Power Man, was introduced in the comics in 1972.

He made his Marvel Cinematic Universe debut as a secondary character played by Mike Colter in 2015's "Jessica Jones," where he ran a bar in Hell's Kitchen.

Cage and Jones had a fling over the course of the season, which makes sense since the pair are married in the comics. We don't learn much about Cage, other than that he had a wife at one point (and Jones accidentally killed her in the past).

See the rest of the story at Business Insider