On May 9, actor and budding performance artist Shia LaBeouf sent out this cryptic tweet:
40°07'45.0"N 105°14'11.5"W
— Shia LaBeouf (@thecampaignbook) May 9, 2016
Turns out, he's on a road trip.
From May 23 until June 23, LaBeouf is embarking on a road trip across the country with a few artists for the #TakeMeAnywhere campaign, which is commissioned by the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art and The Finnish Institute in London.
LaBeouf tweets out his coordinates, inviting fans to meet up with him. Many have taken the bait so far:
When he isn't meeting up with fans, LaBeouf and his fellow artists are taking in the sites:
Recently, LaBeouf has strayed away from acting and has been dabbling in performance art.
Last November, he sat in a New York movie theater and watched all of his own movies in a row. In February, he hung out in an elevator at Oxford for 24 hours straight.
You can track LaBeouf's journey here.