Long-running Fox animated series "Family Guy" is hoping Donald Trump's success could rub off on the show when it comes to the Emmys.
Marketing materials sent to Emmy voters and media feature the show's title character, Peter Griffin, stealing Trump's look, as Deadline reported.
Decked out in a navy suit and sporting a gravity-defying blond hairstyle, Peter is accompanied by the text, "As long as we're voting for dumb loudmouths, can I get an Emmy?"
Clearly the saying resonated throughout this primary season as Trump went from seeming national joke to the lone candidate for the Republican presidential nomination.
The site reported that this wasn't the first time the Emmy materials referenced a politician.
In 2014, Peter was dressed as Trump endorser Chris Christie and threatened "Bridgegate"-level traffic on Emmy voters if they didn't support the show.
Whatever "Family Guy" is doing, it's effective. The animated series has won five Emmys so far.
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