Warning: Spoiler ahead for "Game of Thrones" season five.
"Game of Thrones" is known for its epic fight scenes and stunning visual effects, both of which came together to create the unforgettable massacre of Hardhome in season five. Tech Insider recently spoke with Helen Sloan, the lead set photographer for the series, and learned more about what it was like to film the show's biggest sequence to date.
Scroll down to learn more about Sloan's experience.
Hardhome is the place where Jon Snow and Tormund go in season five, episode eight, in order to convince the wildlings to come south of the wall.

In real life, the set was in Northern Ireland. Helen Sloan was on hand to document the filming for the episode, and recalls it was one of the toughest sequences she's ever shot.

Here's one of her behind-the-scenes shots of a wight extra fitted with a greenscreen prosthetic.

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