Netflix rolled out its new original series "House of Cards" featuring Kevin Spacey earlier today.
The political drama follows Spacey as congressman Francis Underwood who goes after the White House after the president goes back on a promise to nominate him for Secretary of State.
If you want to check out the series, Netflix is allowing anyone, even those without a subscription, to view the first episode free here.
However, the episode will only be available for play through the month of February.
Subscribers, meanwhile, have access to the entire series' first 13 episodes.
If buzz picks up, it could work in Netflix's favor by getting even more people interested in subscribing to the $7.99 monthly service.
Netflix just had a huge fourth quarter. Usage is up 20 percent over last year as the video-streaming site is now used in one out of every four homes.
Worldwide, the site now has more than 33 million active members.
Check out the trailer for the show below: