After we heard about a woman who kept dead cats in her home on the television show "Hoarders" this week, we wondered what else crews have found inside people's homes.
So, we went through the six seasons of A&E's hit show to uncover other horror items uncovered in cleanups.
We now wish we didn't.
Though most episodes deal with piles of clutter and garbage, dolls, and clothes collections, some of the cases have become more extreme as the show progressed into later seasons.
A few of the items we found were so obscene, we suggest readers precede with caution.
Cats were just the tip of the iceberg.
Hanover, Illinois resident Terry collected stray living and dead cats.

Terry didn't even know how many cats she owned but estimated the number at 50. She also had another 75-100 dead ones – some of which liquefied – in her refrigerator and freezer.
She attributed the cat hoarding to the death of her father when she was 13.
"I have this feeling in me that I'm helping save something," said Terry during the latest episode.
Terry said she wanted to cremate the cats but never received money to do so she began freezing them.
(Season 6 Episode 4)
Constance's home in Freestone County, Texas was full of chickens and rotting eggs.

Constance runs a "fresh egg" business; however, she had so many eggs that some were lying around her house unrefrigerated while others were growing into embryos.
She admitted to cooking and feeding some of the bad eggs to her dogs.
Upon cleanup, dead chicken parts were found in the engine of her car.
(Season 5, Episode 11)
A woman in Michigan also had jugs and jars full of urine in her home.

(Season 4, Episode 1)
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