4K televisions are known for providing crystal clear images — but did you know they're so good that they can even help animals get a glimpse of their future home?
Port Lympne Reserve, a wildlife park in Kent, United Kingdom, is using Sony 4K TVs to let lemurs and langurs see their natural habitats.
The reserve is streaming images of their natural habitats in Java (for the langurs) and Madagascar (for the lemurs) so the animals can familiarize themselves with their homes before being reintroduced to the wild.
Here's a closer look at the program:
The Port Lympne Reserve introduced Sony BRAVIA 4K TVs into lemur and langur enclosures this week. The images are four times the clarity of HD Tvs.

The idea is to let the langurs and lemurs familiarize themselves with images of their natural habitats prior to their reintroduction into the wild. Langurs will be reintroduced in 2016, but there's no timeline on when the lemurs will head back home.

“While our large enclosures are designed to resemble the animals’ natural habitat as closely as possible, we decided to give our langurs and lemurs an actual peek of areas in the wild that could, potentially, become their new homes," Simon Jeffery, animal manager at the reserve, wrote in a press release.

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