"The Daily Show with Trevor Noah" had scheduled an interview with Chris Brown for its Tuesday night show, but the appearance was canceled due to show staff being uncomfortable about having the artist on, according to the Daily Beast.
Brown, who two years ago was convicted of felony assault changes against his former girlfriend Rihanna, has since dealt with numerous violent instances and probation violations.
According to the Daily Beast story, "Daily Show" staffers disapproved of the booking, though host Trevor Noah brought up in a meeting that he was planning to use the interview to bring up domestic-violence issues. Noah's ex-stepfather violently abused his mother.
Some on the staff felt Noah wouldn't be right for the interview, as in the past he had joked about Brown's abuse.
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Chris Brown's FAME album is no#1 on iTunes. Rihanna is cancelling shows due to poor sales. I guess he beat her again.
— Trevor Noah (@Trevornoah) March 24, 2011