"Master of None," Netflix's latest original comedy, currently has 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, a rare feat.
The show's boldest, and maybe best, episode to date is called "Indians on TV."
In the episode, Dev (star and creator Aziz Ansari) finds himself experiencing racism in Hollywood. First, Dev is asked to do a stereotypical Indian accent during an audition. He refuses, which Ansari has also done in real life.
Then, after auditioning for a different role for a sitcom, he finds out that no network executive wants to see more than one Indian person on TV at a time.
"If I do a show with two Indian guys on the poster, everyone's gonna think it's an Indian show. It wouldn't be as relatable to a large, mainstream audience," Dev is told.
But Ansari uses the episode as a platform to fire back at this notion, featuring a prominent Indian cast and, as Dev, replying "Yeah, but you'd never say that about a show with two white people. Every show has two white people. People don't watch 'True Detective' and go 'oh, there's that white detective show!'"
After the first season debuted, Ansari wrote an essay for the New York Times addressing this same issue, and calling out Hollywood for only casting straight white actors even though 40% of the population are minorities.
Story by Ian Phillips and editing by Kristen Griffin
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