In a conversation with Jerry Seinfeld at the Vulture Festival on Saturday promoting the upcoming season of his web show "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee," the comedian revealed that his greatest regret about his hit sitcom, "Seinfeld," was his decision to not following through with a certain lost episode.
"I had an episode all ready to go that we were going to do entirely, secretly, in claymation," Seinfeld said, to resounding gasps from the audience. "I had the studio ready, and the figures ready, and it was all good to go."
But Seinfeld was dissuaded from the idea when he learned that Tim Allen had already done a claymation episode on ABC's "Home Improvement."
"I got scared off," Seinfeld said. "I thought, I don't want people to say I'm imitating Tim Allen. And I canceled it. I realize now that was a huge mistake. You know, we had Kramer taking a pencil and sticking it in his eye. And we were going to shoot fake promos, and everybody was going to think a regular episode was going to come on, and it was going to be all claymation. And so, that was a huge mistake. So yeah, that's what I regret."
Watch Seinfeld explain the story in his own words below:
Watch @JerrySeinfeld tell the story of the great lost episode of @SeinfeldTV. (Hint: It involved claymation.)
— Vulture (@vulture) May 31, 2015
The sixth season of Seinfeld's "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" will premiere on Wednesday at 11:30 p.m. with an episode featuring Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Guests for the rest of the season include Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher, and future "Daily Show" host Trevor Noah.