The rumors have been swirling for a while that Colin Farrell was in talks for True Detective Season 2, but now the actor has confirmed that we will indeed appear. There’s still no official confirmation that Vince Vaughn will be appearing (or Taylor Kitsch for that matter), but now that this piece of info is firmed up I would expect some more official announcements in the coming weeks.
Season 2 of Nic Pizzolatto‘s show will reportedly take place in three different California cities with a plot that, to me, is beginning to resemble Chinatown via Zodiac in that it’s about land deals but also how different law enforcement agencies intersect with each other. The casting news came with this semi-logline that this next stretch of episodes, “looks set to pick up on the vicious murder of a corrupt businessman found dead the night before he completes a deal.”
Farrell told The Sunday World, “I’m doing the second series. I’m so excited.” He then elaborated that the season would indeed be shooting within the “environs” of Los Angeles. Apparently his character is named Ray Velcaro a man “who has been damaged by years of trauma in both his personal and professional lives.”
Vaughn is reportedly circling the role of Frank Semyon, “a former thug-turned-businessman, who’s wheeling and dealing gets him into some sticky situations.” Interestingly enough, the World also reports that Elizabeth Moss and Rachel McAdams are up for the same part. The show is due to start shooting soon, so I imaging they’ll need to work that out quickly. It was previously reported that Justin Lin would be directing the first two episodes. Here’s hoping they can pull off eight episodes as singular as last year’s masterful outing.
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