Hillary Clinton, played by Vanessa Bayer, and Michelle Obama, as impersonated by Sasheer Zamata, sent out "A Mother's Day Message" during "Saturday Night Live's" cold open.
It started out civil between the two, with Clinton saying, "Both of us have been called so many things, but it's nice to have one day where the first thing we're called is moms."
After Obama says she is spending Mother's Day with her family on a group run, Clinton jokes, "I'm going to put my blackberry on airplane mode and watch 'The Good Wife' in my zip-up robe."
When Obama showed off a mug from her daughters with the phrase "Mother of the Year," Clinton says with a wink, "And I have not yet decided if I'm running for Mother of the Year."
"But," Obama continued, "What Barack and I are really proud of is giving the gift of healthcare to 8 million Americans."
"Which is funny," Clinton responds, "because I tried to give them that gift 16 years ago, so it's more like a re-gift."
"But we actually delivered it," Obama says firmly, adding, "Hillary and I know what it's like to be working moms."
"But I know a little bit more," explains Clinton, "for years I was flying all over the world dealing with some of the worst humanitarian crises, but I suppose it's also tough to make a chubby kid eat an apple!"
And it doesn't stop there. Watch the full, funny sketch below:
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